Energy efficient cooking
You might think that there is little that can be done to improve the energy efficiency of your cooking. Your cooker is likely to be the biggest draw on your gas or electricty supply. Many cookers will use 3 -5kw when switched on.
Which is best - gas cookers vs electric cookers
Whether you cook using gas or electricity here are some hints and tips that will help you to reduce your energy costs:
- Use the correct size pan – don’t use a large pan or saucepan when a smaller one will do. It takes longer to heat up a bigger pan and you will tend to put more water in to a bigger saucepan.
- Use the smallest burner that will do the job. A larger burner that is not covered by the pan will be wasting heat.
- Cook in bulk, if you are using the oven think if there is anything else that can be cooked at the same time.
- If you are boiling a kettle only fill it enough for what you need. A good tip is to use the cup to fill the kettle.
- If you have solar panels you could change your meal times so that you can cook when you are getting some free electricity
- Make sure you are on the cheapest gas and electricity deal – you can compare all of the energy suppliers using our free energy calculator